Thursday, December 20, 2012

Club Penguin Times Issue #374


Club Penguin's annual holly jolly Holiday Party is here! By Rockhopper - AVAST YE LANDLUBBERS! THE HOLIDAY PARTY HAS STARTED, AND IT BE NOT CELEBRATIN' ITSELF! Here be the order of business: I need bakers! I need cookie eaters! Let's raise a ruckus like never before!


There be lots to do mateys-listen close. This year I want to donate a mega-gazillion coins to Coins For Change, so here's me plan. I've brought with me a magic cookie recipe for special cookies. Cookies that can TRANSFORM ye into three of me favorite things. Reindeer puffles! Frost Bites! Race Cars! So let's make an absurd amount of cookies, sell em', and donate all the profits to Coins For Change! This plan be fool proof! If ye be on board this ingenious idea, get ye to the Bakery! Hopefully I'll see ye in there! GO!


I am proud to announce that the island's annual Coins For Change donation drive has begun! All over the island, penguins are baking cookies, ringing bells, and earning coins to donate to worthy cause. And we need YOUR help. Our three causes this are helping kids stay in good health, build safe places to live, and protecting the environment. By working together, we will help decide how a $1 million donation is made -and show the world how much we care. So use your talents, create awareness and inspire others to join in. Together we can take action, and change the world.


On now! Holiday Party The most festive party of the year has begun-watch out for Frost Bites! On now! Coins For Change take action and change the world-head to the Bakery today! Jan. 4 Igloo Contest Winners Judges are hard at work choosing winner of the Holly Holly Igloo Contest. A special gift is ready for everyone. (No peeking!) Find the collectible pin! Hidden now until December 26. Next pin hidden: December 27–January 9


Avast! All bakers on deck! We be needin' cookie crafters by the baker's dozen at the Bakery! If we be not gettin' help soon, our goose is baked...I mean cooked!

A S K Captain Rockhopper

Ahoy Rockhopper! I don't like cookies! Can I still donate? -Kupkakes R Beter

Ye. Don't. Like. COOKIES!? ARR! What be the problem? Be ye allergic to deliciousness? YO HO HO! I be jokin'! I be knowin' how ye feel- I hate green bananas. Of course ye can still donate! Just find ye'self a donation station.

Ahoy Rockhopper! What's your favorite holiday feast? -Sew Hungary

Me favorite meal be a slab of ripe stinky cheese served on burnt toast, with a side of anchovy and banana pizza stir fry with chocolate sprinkles!

Do you ever peek at your gifts? -Justa Kwik Luke

ARR! I be Captain Rockhopper! I don't be peekin' at nothin'! If I wants to open me gifts up early, then I does! Unless they be from Yarr. He said no. And he be too dangerous a puffle to cross swords with...

Frost Bites be icy tricksters, and masters of mischief! What's a Frost Bite? -F Ross T

Ahoy there F Ross T! YARRRR, this be a great question. EVERY pirate should be warned about the Frost Bites, for they be tricky beyond measure! Frost Bites are mischievous sprites from a frozen land with no name. I once ran aground there, many years ago, and we became fast enemies. But after an epic struggle, and a couple of thrillin' chases, me and the Frost Bites. found some common ground: we all loved to pull pranks! Now we be allies. So take now: Frost Bites can freeze anythin'! They sneeze icicles and fart snowflakes. So dress warm if ye be raisin' a ruckus with them! ARR! These days, I always be lookin' forward to a good Frost Bite fiesta. Fair winds!


Did you know there are hundreds of hidden surprises around the island  If you would like one revealed, click the folder below...if you don't-look away!

Secrets Classified HOW TO MAKE COOKIES
By Rockhopper

Avast ye pirate cookie creators! Be ye confused by recipes? Be ye more handy with a scimitar than a spatula? Well, here be all the steps ye need to know to bake like a cookie Captain!

  1. Stand on the ingredient square. Throw ingredients into the mixer.
  2. Add cheer to yer batch by using the smile emote! A cookie without cheer be no cookie at all!
  3. Now, make the most cookies ye can by standin' on the Multiplier dealy-thing. I be not knowin' how it works, but it does!
Well, what ye be waitin' for?! Start cookin' up a storm in the Bakery!

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