Thursday, December 13, 2012

Club Penguin Times Issue #373


Rockhopper's on his way with a special, magical cookie recipe! By Aunt Arctic - Hello readers! Are you kooky for cookies? Batty for baked goods. Sweet on sweets? Well get ready! because Rockhopper's coming to town... and he's got a magical surprise for everyone!


"AHOY MATIES!" Rockhopper said to our Jetpack Reporters. "Gather round, and cast yer eyes on this MAGIC COOKIE RECIPE!" " I found it deep in the deliciously dangerous cavers of the Temple Of Cookies. Legend says that anyone who eats these cookies...will transform" "ARR! But when I tried to bake some, I nearly burned now Rockhopper Island. So I came up with a new plan." " I ned some volunteers! I be lookin' to make MILLIONS of cookies, sell' em- and give all the dough to Coins For Change!" "So who's with me?! If ye be a fan of helpin' others, makin' magic, and eatin' cookies, report to the Bakery on December 20! "See ye there me hearties! YARR HARR!"

Holly Jolly Igloo Contest

It's time to deck the halls with holly boughs, jolly bows, and jingle bells! The Holly Jolly Igloo contest is here and the judges want to see what the holidays means to you. Submit your decorated igloo Dec. 13-18

HOW TO ENTER Continued

Deck your igloo in delightful decorations. Try to capture the spirit of the season. Show off your holiday magic! When igloos all cozy and ready, click the submit button between Dec. 13-18 If inspiration strikes later, and you want to update your igloo with more decorations. submit it again! The winning igloos will be chosen based on judges' feedback and the number of likes it receives.

PRIZES Continued

Here are the scary-good prizes: The grand prize winner will receive 6 rare igloo items and 1,000,000 coins! Second prize is 3 rare igloo items, and 10,000 coins! Third prize is 1 rare igloo item, and 1000 coins!! All winner will have their names in the Club Penguin Times next year... on Jan. 4


On Now! Holly Holly Igloo Contest! Deck the halls with holiday cheer- then show them off for a change to win coins and rare items!
Dec.20 Coins For Change Help make a difference by donating your coins to important causes.
Dec.20 Rockhopper Returns ARR! Prepare ye for a holiday ruckus the likes of which ye've never seen!
Calling all bakers! Get ready to bake cookies for a good cause.
Find the collectible pin! Hidden now until December 26. 
Next pin hidden: December 27–January 9


Tidal experts, pirates, and brown puffles all agree- Rockhopper will be landing at the beach on December 20.

A S K Captain Rockhopper

Ahoy Rockhopper! What does your igloo look like - Luke At Holmes 
ARR! It be over 40 feet long,with a great burlap sail and a proud Jolly Roger to warn my foes!

Ahoy Rockhopper! What does Rockhopper Island look like?
It be a landmass, surrounded by all sides of the sea! I think there be a small stinky cheese restaurant there too. It not be open on Thursdays.

Have you seen a polar bear lurking around?- Klaus C Fied
ARR! I saw lots of polar bears in the Temple of Polar Bears on Polar Bear Island! They be a grumpy lot, says I!

What did you do with BIG BIG KAHUNA?- Val Kano

ARR! BIG BIG KAHUNA be returned to his rightful place in the Temple of Fruit. But who knows how long he'll slumber...

Avast! Temples be all over the place, just waiting for a pirate to plunder!

Ahoy Rockhopper! Where do you keep finding all these weird temples? - Ax Plorer
Ahoy there Ax! There be an old pirate sayin' I lives by- where there be smoke, there be burnin' pizza. And the same holds true for islands and temples! No desert island's complete without some mysterious forsaken temple to explore, It be like a barrel of cream soda without a tray of stinky cheese to wash it down! Ye need to be well prepared to spot a mysterious temple in the wild. There be a few tell-tale signs, such as sinister statues or gigantic pyramids rising out of thejungle. ARR! "Once ye find a temple, grab all the treasure ye can find. But remember! It be a 'plunder bulnder' to take, and not leave something for the next pirate!" Just watch out ye out for booby traps and ancient curses! Nothin' ruins a pirate's day like bein' cursed, doomed to wander the earth as a living tomato or something. Best of luck in yer searches, matey! Fair winds


Did you know there are hundreds of hidden surprises around the island  If you would like one revealed, click the folder below...if you don't-look away!

By Rockhopper
Avast ye landlubbers! I be the Captain of this year's Igloo Contest, and I be havin' high standards I expect ye to rise to! ARRRR ye shakin' in your snowsuits? YARR HARR! BUck up, me buckos! I be havin' some tips for ye!
  • Give it all you got! Be as funny, festive, and ferocious as ye can be! I be wantin' to see BOLD designs!
  • OR- if ye rather, be as SWEET as ye can. A cozy holiday cottage be hittin' me right in the heart strings!
  • OR- ignore this advice entirely! Make somthin' random! If I's likes it. YOU'S WIN!

That's this week's issue of Club Penguin Times. Come back next Thursday for more news coming soon.

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